CAS 52190-28-0 2-Bromo
CAS 52190-28-0 2-Bromo
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wickr: jonesmoker
Slogan: Better living through chemistry
Products applications in different areas.
A: With a better and healthier physique.
Chemical products can enhance your body function in dealing with the invasion of many kinds of virus and bacteria. Also, gaining muscle and slimming are a strength of chemical products.
B: Application in beauty.
Chemicals applied in beauty not only tighten the skin, but also enhance the activity of skin, which means the "young appearance forever" and better shape. Also products in hair beauty can make you get rid of problem of losing your hair and strengthen hair growth. Chemicals applied in raw materials can promote the innovations of fine chemical cosmetics.
C. Application in Pharmacy
Some chemicals can make body or parts of body lose feelings especially like pains temporarily irreversible. This function can be often used in surgery or treatments of some diseases.
D. Application in chemical research.
Compared with finished drug form, pharmaceutical raw materials are better in price and requirements for chemical research. Choosing raw materials for researching new chemicals and chemical experiments is the best choice.
70 руб
Тип: Продаю
Автор: Ivy Jones | Все объявления автора
Регист:Регист: с 26.11.2021 Зарегистрирован
Дата: 28.12.2021 22:52
Номер: 2454112
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